Challenges are what makes life interesting…
Overcoming them makes them meaningful.
By Jane Mitchell

The year 2022 was one of the most challenging years for our family, as a major crash left two of our staff seriously injured and less than 6 weeks later, an accidental house fire, saw us lose a rental property that we had cared for over 20 years. It didn’t stop there.
Roughly every 6 weeks, a new challenge was sent to try us. By October my body gave into what we now know is adrenal fatigue and I lost my voice. No longer able to communicate and more importantly, yell at the kids / husband or dog, I was down to writing on a whiteboard, which was not nearly as effective as yelling, but you work with what you’ve got.
Slowly but surely my voice returned enough for me to be able to communicate without a whiteboard. I was eventually diagnosed with a lifelong condition called dysphonia, caused by stress. So, there was no going back into my profession of practice management.
In hindsight, 2022 was one of those years that you never wish to live again. I am, however, grateful for all the lessons it brought me.
We buried two very dear friends who were close to us in age, my throat was incurable, but I was truly blessed with an opportunity, as I was soon ready to find my way again and to make meaning of what 2022 had brought me.
I truly love the joy that comes from giving and helping others. If I could, I would spend my time and money on thoughtful gestures to lighten someone else’s day. I love being creative and what could be better than being creative with my friends? Before the events of 2022 changed our lives, I was studying Social Enterprise to see if I could find a way to make the concept of a She Shed sustainable.
When I lost my voice, I pulled out of the course, but the dream still lingered. It was no longer going to be on the grand scale I had originally envisaged, but with the passion to help as many as I could, the She Shed dream was still alive. Both my husband and I love old Queenslanders, so we decided to relocate one back to site, build a rental upstairs and the space downstairs could become a She Shed.

The Founding Members of She Shed Cairns Inc
A community is like a patchwork quilt. Every square is vital and this is how I see the people in ‘my quilt’. Every one of the following have in some way contributed to making this dream come true.
Pauline and Kel Bruce
KFB engineering
Bruce Belief
Now, if I had to assign responsibility to someone for this crazy dream… it would be to Pauline. She is one of my dearest friends and also has a superpower… she ALWAYS sees the best in everyone. I can tell you, without a lie (that’s a cool saying my girls say) she has believed in me more than I believed in myself!
We went out Christmas crafting one year and it was a class with challenges… she turned to me and asked… “Why are you not doing this?” This got me thinking. For years, Pauline and I had been running card making craft classes for the kids at St Joseph’s Primary School, where our children attended together.
One year with the help of our friend Rosemary, we did a Mother’s Day card with every child at the school. If we could succeed in that, surely, we could do this.
When I explained the idea of a She Shed, Pauline and Kel were behind me all the way. They donated the engineering, but more importantly, the moral support for this project.
A day that stands out in my memory is when the house arrived, and Richard Damon, from Damon North, needed to ask me some technical questions, but my voice wasn’t cooperating. He jumped straight into the car, came to site and answered the questions for me. These are my dear friends, and I count their family as one of my life’s richest blessings. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Shaun and Emma Kilfoy
Kilfoy Cabinets Kilfoy
The kindness and generosity shown by Shaun and Emma knows no bounds and by the time the She Shed started being built, it had been in the planning stages for years. Taking the leap of faith was scary, stressful but also very exciting.
Shaun arrived on site to help me create the best possible kitchen and bathroom/laundry storage area possible. With his talent, attention to detail and skill for the best design, he created a space that was perfect for our purposes.
As a hobby, or possibly more of an excuse to take time out, a few of the She Shedders joined The Bloody Long Walk – 35km Challenge to Cure MITO. Shaun, who was more likely to be found on a mountain bike than a walking track, turned up for his first long walk training session.
He just got in, set his speed and walked until he did it. This is how he approached work at the She Shed. He came, helped me sort upstairs, and offered sensible, smart ideas for a beautiful space. He saw my vision and made it happen and barely sent me a bill, stating that he believed in what I was doing. He then did the same thing downstairs.” Just like on one of our walks, he simply got on with the job.
Emma’s simple, direct, “It’s a good idea and we need to get it done” came in incredibly handy when it came time to setting up the Inc. Association needed for the charity. Their kindness and generosity have blown me away and a simple thank you does not cover how grateful I am.

Andrew Bruce Harris
Retired Farmer
Esperance WA Friends Forever
Andrew Is my lifelong friend, he’s one of those friends who you don’t see for years. You get back together and within five minutes your hanging bad jokes on each other.
I’m incredibly grateful for the special people in my life and Andrew Bruce Harris is one of them.
During one of our text catch ups, I told him what I was doing. He asked me how I was funding it, I explained… expecting him to tell me I’m insane, which is what he would normally say when I told him my ideas.
This time, however, he said “I’m in.” He believed in my idea, stating simply that he knew me and wanted to help. I doubt that any of this would be at the point it is today without Andrew’s donation and belief in me. Thanks Harris, you’re one in a million and I love you heaps.

Noelle and Darren Halpin
Halpin Accounts
Halpin Hero’s
Noelle, Darren and I met at St Joseph’s primary school, we were a part of a small group of parents who would turn up before a school event to set up and be there at the end picking up rubbish and stacking chairs. Noelle is one of those incredible people who has a wealth of knowledge about just about anything and everything. Her experience in setting up a charity has been invaluable.
Early on in the piece I realised my budget was not going to make it, so with Andrew’s money in hand, I went to Noelle, explaining that with the money we should become a charity. She was straight onto it, she worked out a structure, directed me, filled in forms, sorted out the technical rules so we were compliant and guided me around obstacles.
No matter how busy she was with her own crazy busy life of children and running a large business, she was never too busy to help me. This included helping me with social media side of things. I asked her why she would do that when she was already so crazy busy, and her answer was simply that she believed in what I was doing. Without Noelle, this project would not be where it is.
In the meantime, Darren got wind that to do the job properly, we need a fire rated / sound proof ceiling and that we were short a considerable amount of cash. Without hesitation he committed to bringing the project home. Words cannot express my gratitude to both of you.

Todd Mitchell
The ‘long-suffering’ husband
Well, this man has been through it all with me. We’ve built our home, had three beautiful children, travelled far and wide and gained the love of many friends. We’ve had our struggles and lost some friends along the way, but overall, we have been blessed and I am eternally grateful for our family and life together.
When I said that I wanted to build a She Shed, he did give me the a sidewards glance… let’s face it, he wasn’t the only one that thought I was a little crazy! But he delivered every time I came out with yet another thing to add to the never-ending To Do list.
He tolerated the stream of donations that filled up the carport. He would shake his head when I would have yet another idea, nearly exploded when he could barely walk around the house for treasures that filled the hallways and became exasperated at the fact that we now had a kiln and realistically had no place to put it.
After a 12-month search for the right house, we finally got it to site. Council knew about the house, our application was due to be passed before we moved the house, but they knocked the whole development back. I was devastated, but Todd reassured me that everything was going to be alright and that we would get through this.
He not only put up with me, he worked tirelessly to make my dream come true. I’m grateful to be married to such a kind man and I love sharing our family and life together. We certainly know how to drive each other a little crazy but I wouldn’t change a thing. I love you every day Todd Justin Mitchell xx

Nicky and Kaj
Systems Superheros
I can’t exactly remember how we met but it seems that Nicky has been part of my life forever. Our mutual love for personal growth and development and striving to become the best versions of ourselves is what keeps our friendship strong. Our hearts and minds align with wanting to do good and being the best person for those around us.
Nicky and Kaj, have built Precedence, a robust business with an amazing product. We have worked with them for many years. In a moment of panic, I realised that I’d forgotten to renew Nordig’s domain and our website went into the abyss. My husband questioned what had happened, and it was certainly a low point for my office management career at Nordig, however, the Precedence team sprang into action, solved the issue and put their systems in place. I never have to worry about making that mistake again!!!
When I called Nicky, to discuss, how I was going to get a system to help us manage our members for the She Shed, she said without hesitation, “I’ve seen what you are doing… doing, I’m going to help you.” Again… another person who visualised the idea and the potential and was willing to stand up and help us. It started to feel like angels were carrying the dream into reality. Nicky you are an angel and I’m forever grateful to you, Kaj and the precedence team. Xx

Guy Custy
Custy’s Plumbing
Custy’s Courage
To call Custy a “good bloke” just doesn’t cut it. He’s a BLOODY good bloke and an amazing plumber. While I didn’t know either Custy or his wife Linda before I started this project, I am now forever grateful for the opportunity to have met these two amazing people because seeing his example has changed my life.
I can clearly remember early in the piece when Custy rolled in, happy and ready to get the job done. “Yeah Jane, when I went to Reece to pick up the gear, I asked them for a discount and boy did they come through.” Without me asking he’d gone to the suppliers and got them on board. I remember the intense feeling of that day, I was starting to doubt myself and Custy going into bat for me… well suffice it to say, it still gives me the courage to keep on going.
He explained that his lovely wife Linda is much like me, except that she looks after dogs instead of ladies. Linda, I look forward to your dogs coming to help the ladies. Custy a simple thankyou doesn’t cut it. You’re a bloody legend in my eyes.

Alan and Rose Taylor
Salt of the Earth
The Taylors are a beautiful family, and we’ve been friends for many years through hockey.
We would have been buggered with out them on the She Shed Build. Alan and his team worked hard and efficiently.
Understood the goal and found practical solutions and have built us this amazing space. Whilst donating supplies and time along the way.
Thankyou from the bottom of my heart, you could see the vision and helped make it a reality.

Jason and Rose Fox
Northern Form Work
Gets it done
Jason has worked with us for many years, going back to St Joseph’s days, where alongside the Bruce’s, Kilfoy’s and Halpin’s we managed to pull off fetes together.
Poor Jason had no idea what lay ahead of him when I showed him my project. “Jane whatever we have to do to make it happen, we will do it” and that’s exactly what he did. There’s no messing around with Jason on site.
It’s just go, go, go! Nothing was too much trouble, he went the extra mile, saving us literally thousands of dollars.
True to his word, whatever needed to get it done, got done. Thank you will never be enough for all your effort, and your family’s contribution.

Cairns Painting Contractors
Helping his Neighbour
Mario is my neighbour and much like Todd, he was dragged into the process through proximity. All I can say is that if Mario hadn’t taken pity on the old lady next door, we would still be there painting and it would NEVER look as good as it does today. You and your team are champions, and these old ladies are eternally grateful. xx

Matt and Joe Hillier
Cairns Crete
The Milliers
These are my people! I have known Matt since I moved to Cairns over 20 years ago and is one of my husband’s best mates.
He and his wife, Joe created a beautiful family and we spend many a holiday together as “the Milliers”, Mitchell and Hilliers combined.
Pumping the concrete into the She Shed is yet another thing to add to the massive list of things that I can never repay to this family.
I’m indebted to you both until the day I die and I’m ok with that… we are stuck together forever. I love you both heaps and thank you for helping She Shed Cairns Inc become a reality.